So Here's My Life

The things we make,
the food we eat and
the shenanigans in between.

A blog about making things by

Friday, September 30, 2011


I want to revive my blog! I really do. It seems that I whenever I write a blog these days, I always start out by saying, "I want to write in my blog more." That's the truth, but it seems that between managing a house, being a wife, AND being a mother, the blog seems to take a back seat to everything else. A lot of times I'll start writing a blog, but then something else demands my attention - a toddler who let the crazy dog in the house and tracked mud in the house, dinner that needs to be made, the dryer buzzer goes know.  But I miss blogging. And I want to do more of it.
I've been thinking about starting an additional blog too...Something fun, and not so much about life. I don't want to tell you guys about it yet, but it's in the works (along with all my free time). I will let you know when I start it. Speaking of blogs, what is your favorite blog to read? And why? At the moment, my favorite blog is A Beautiful Mess. It's such a neat collection of fun, creative craft ideas, decorating, snacks, and vintage fashion. I find it very inspiring. Mad Props to Sarah, who introduced it to me. This is her blog, and she is just getting started.

I've been feeling very crafty lately, and have been working on several projects. (Amazing, because I haven't felt this way since before I was pregnant. Maybe it's that we bought a house, and I finally feel free to decorate) The biggest project I'm working on is my table. I refinished it and painted it. It's so fun. I can't wait to show you guys. But in the midst of my project, I ran out of money! So the chairs to my table aren't finished yet. So my project will have to be put on hold until the next paycheck. (Paying the mortgage has to take priority!!) I also have immediate plans to do a wall art project like this one

One project at a time though! This morning I hosted the Moms Group from our church at my house. I made Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate.
It tasted amazing and it was a huge hit! I highly recommend it! (And to be honest with you, I found it way more satisfying than Starbucks' Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino...I'm just sayin'. I found wall art project as well as the recipe for the Hot Chocolate on the Beautiful Mess blog :) I'm telling you, it's such a fun blog!!

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