So Here's My Life
The things we make,
the food we eat and
the shenanigans in between.
A blog about making things by
I'm in AZ.
I am currently typing this from a hotel room in Arizona. Joel and I are not on vacation, but I went with Joel on a business trip. We are in Chinle, Arizona. (where?) It's northern Arizona. On the Navajo reservation. It's pretty amazing out here, and it's totally a new experience for me as well. I've never really spent much time on an indian reservation before (other than the field trip I went on in elementary school). Joel and I totally stick out like sore thumbs here. We're so white. I'm not used to sticking out like that. For the most part, I've always been able to blend fairly easy with everyone no matter where we went...except when I was in Kenya. Yeah. So anyway, while Joel is working on his lovely networking engineer business, I hang out at the hotel, swim in the pool, and just chill. It's awesome. Chinle itself isn't that exciting, but the really cool thing is there's this canyon about a mile from our hotel called Canyon de Chelly. Let me tell you - It's AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL. It's not the Grand Canyon (I've haven't been there yet) They have Indian Cliff Dwellings in the Canyon. The walls of the Canyon are a beautiful streaked red color. The views are spectacular. Absolutely breath taking. The sunset over the Canyon is fantastic! Being here seriously makes me just marvel over just how much of an amazing God that God really is. It's so beautiful here. I just had no idea how amazing this place is. I'm so excited to be here...and I'm not even on vacation! So anyway, it's pretty amazing here. I love it. I have pictures to share, but I'm too tired to put them up tonight. But I will soon.
One more very cool piece of information that I've been dying to share with you guys - I put in my two weeks notice last Thursday at work. YAY!! Don't get me wrong here, I love my job, but I'm ready to move on, plus I've pretty much always hated the inconsistent work hours I have, among the fact that our work hours are consistently being cut, which makes the 45 minute drive to and from work a little frustrating when you only end up working for about 2 hours. But-- I got a lot out of my job. I'm leaving with lots of knowledge in my head about portrait photography, I've earned my certification through the company, and I have tons of experience in photography, AND dealing with insane customers who stomp out after blaming you for their child's bad behavior. I really feel like I've gained so much from this job....and now I'm ready to be done...and travel with my husband on his business trips and take vacations and be the spontaneous couple that we love to be. 
Pictures soon to come.
1 comment:
Good for you Michelle - glad you are going to have more free time. I am so jealous of your being able to see all those wonderful sites in Arizona. I'm hopefully anticipating lots of photos to enjoy.
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