So Here's My Life

The things we make,
the food we eat and
the shenanigans in between.

A blog about making things by

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I thought this day would never come

So I have really exciting news for you guys. No, we're not pregnant. (That always seems to be the first thought people think when a married couple says, "I have exciting news.") But Joel is finally going to graduate!!! I'm so excited. Joel and I went to college at the same time (Fall of 1998), but he was a little less motivated to graduate on time. As a result Joel has been in college for 9 years. Yes, nine years. It's hard to believe. Every semester since Spring '05 has been his "last semester". But something would always come up, there would be a class or two he didn't take, or he wouldn't have enough time to finish all his online was always something. But at this point he's taken all the classes he needs in order to graduate. He's only lacking one class, his senior project, which he is currently taking. Today he went and filled out an application for graudation (he made the deadline by about a day), and is getting all of his credits transferred. So it looks (this time for real) like he is finally going to graduate!!!! lol. So after May 12, Joel will have a Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Science with a minor in Animation. YAY for JOEL!!!

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