So Here's My Life

The things we make,
the food we eat and
the shenanigans in between.

A blog about making things by

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to hide an uneven crocheted scarf

I'm not good at crocheting. I decided I wanted to learn about 7 or 8 years ago. And so Sarah, from Undiscovered Virtues, showed me how. It was really funny. She was about 13 years old at the time. (By the way, she was quite the hysterical kid). She would tell me, "put this thingy here, and then put this thingy here, and then make it look like this." It was great. I still figured out how to crochet though. But I haven't worked at it very much over the last several years. This is why I'm not good at it.

I started crocheting a scarf, with the idea in mind that I would give it as a Christmas gift. It took me several hours to remember how to crochet, and I kept starting a couple of rows, and then unraveling them because they didn't look right. Finally I consulted YouTube and realized I was missing a couple of stitches. Ha! After that things got better. When I was about half way through the scarf, I realized that my stitches kept getting tighter and tighter. No matter how much I tried to keep things loose, I couldn't seem to make the rest of the stitches look as loose as the ones in the beginning.

So this is how my scarf ended up. Notice the bottom layer of the scarf? See how one end is larger than the other. Yeah. Oops. Apparently it's been quite a while since I last crocheted...about 4 or 5 years.

Although this is not terribly noticeable, I decided not to use this as a Christmas gift and keep it for myself. The looser end really bugged me, but I was definitely not willing to unravel the whole thing and start again. Then I got an idea - what if I cinched up certain parts of the scarf?  So this is what I did.

It was a pretty easy fix. I simply threaded a large plastic needle with matching yarn, tied the opposite end of the yarn onto and edge of the scarf, and wove the threaded yarn straight across to the other end, and tied off the yarn. Simple. Then I repeated it three more times in various areas of the scarf to make it look uniform throughout.

Not so bad, right??? Well...I think so. I'm thinking I should cinch it a couple more places, and maybe a little tighter? Just a thought.
So the next time one of your projects doesn't turn out quite right, get creative and see what you can do to recover it! :)

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