I haven't written in a while...well, ok just a week. Here's what has been going on.
- last Wednesday I made my students come over to my house and show me their Halloween costumes. They were very cute...one of my students dressed up like a salt shaker, while her friend dressed like a pepper shaker.
- For the past 5 days or so, I've been hearing something on the roof at the early hours of the morning...about 4 or 5 o'clock. I think there's a rodent of some sort...raccoon maybe? I hear it scamper across the roof right above our bed. This morning I climbed on top of the roof to see if I could find something...all I found was a couple of piles of juniper berries from the tree right next to the roof. I'm not sure what it's doing up there, maybe collecting those berry things from the tree? I don't know, but I find it difficult to sleep when I hear something walking across my roof...makes me feel like someone is stalking me.
- Last night we found a bald spot on Brody's head, right by his ear. It's weird looking. The skin is dry and flaky, not scabbed. Anybody have this happen to their dog? Joel was looking it up on the internet, and found out that it might be a parasite. aahhh!!!
Poor dog. Maybe I should just live at the vet's office or something. This dog always seems to have problems...why doesn't everyone else have such weird problems with their dogs??? I swear, having a dog is like having a child.
- I'm pretty sure I have decided on a name for my photography "company". I've been thinking about it a lot, and I really like the name Perspectography. I will explain the name soon. And btw, I currently have 3 pics up for sale on Istockphoto and I'm applying to sell my photos on another website too. Slow progression here...but getting there.
- Tomorrow Joel and I are going to D-town!!! whoo hoo! Very excited about this. We have a very good friend getting married out there this weekend, and will be spending some time with college friends, and family. Yay. The only draw back is that when we visit my brother at college, the college will be hosting Campus Days. Boo. Oh well.

I took this picture on Monday in Dilia, New Mexico (I'm sure everyone knows where that is. no. just kidding) I pulled over on the side of the road to get a couple of shots, and I ended up jumping inside the fence to get a couple more. But there was no one around. lol. I'm such a trespasser.
Dilia? That's D-Town right? Ha - just kidding. Love the phot and love the name for your company. Is there any way for you to get a link on your blog so we can click over and see what you have for sell?
Ha! yes! Dilia is D-town. no, not really. And yes, I will put a link on my blog so you can see my pictures.
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